Green woodworking courses in hampshire, woodland workshop, making and sale of chairs and tables, welsh stick chairs, windsor chairs, making and sale of bushcraft knives and carving tools.. Green woodworking is the term given to anything made out of freshly felled wood, ideally within three months of being cut as the piece of wood still has a high moisture content; this enables it to be easily shaped using hand tools. at the greenwood workshop, i concentrate on bodging - or chair making.. Our aim is to encourage crafty-ness, creativity and self-reliance in everybody. from our outdoor woodland workshop, using locally felled wood, we bring heritage crafts to the heart of the city and make basic woodcraft skills available to all. we use hand tools and green wood straight from the log..
Green woodworking is an incredibly fun method of woodworking, because you get to use fresh, wet wood, and start transforming it into rustic furniture (and downright elegant, in the case of windsor chairs) without having to wait for it to dry.. Stephen is helping to revive an ancient form of woodland craft that has been practiced for thousands of years but has long since disappeared from our woodlands and workshops. he accepts commissions, makes products, and runs a variety of workshops and demonstrations teaching the skills of green woodwork.. Green woodworking & furniture making courses from 1 to 5 days - no experience needed & families are welcome. learn a new skill and have a great day out. all of the courses take place in my fully equipped green wood workshop situated in clifford barton with direct access to the stunning fingle wood..